Friday, October 11, 2013

The Clean Bin Project - screening details

We are very excited to host a screening of the Clean Bin Project to wrap up this years Sustaining Our World event on Oct 27th!
And even more exciting is that we will have Jen and Grant, the film makers here for a Q&A session after the film. :D

Here's the synopsis for the film:

Grant and Jen go head to head in a comedic competition to live zero waste for an entire year. This multiple award winning, festival favourite shares moments of humour, struggle, and hope in the cinematic and creatively executed story of a couple who ask the question “What can an individual do?” Described as a combination of An Inconvenient Truth and Super Size Me, The Clean Bin Project features laugh out loud moments, stop motion animations, and captivating interviews with TED lecturers Chris Jordan and Captain Charles Moore. A fun and inspiring call to environmental action that speaks to crowds of all ages.

And here's the trailer to give you a taste of what you'll get to see:

This eco challenge, which features many places in East Van, will provide plenty of inspiration and information for all of us who want to reduce our footprints and produce the least amount of waste we can.

Visit their site for more details on the film, and some info on their next documentary coming out in the spring of 2014 called "Just Eat It: A Food Waste Story" follows their challenge to eat only food that would normally be thrown out while exploring the truth behind 'best before' dates and other strange things about our relationship to food!
The film screening is by donation, and will be held in the Britannia Secondary School Auditorium from 7-9pm.

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